Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Apologies

Hello! I really am sorry- I never intended t be gone so long. But crap occurs. Also, I had been busy - working full time and I was introduced to nail art - I am hooked! I have quite a portfolio going and that, too, has kept me busy. Except I won't be so busy now - I just lost my job. It really amazes me that I have been there for 3 years now and they just decided my numbers were not good enough. Really it's ok because I called this about a year and a half ago. I'm surprised I lasted this long. And the whole thing is over $2. Amazing. I'm sure I will get into the whole story someday soon and, too, I'm kinda happy. I really needed a break. I am totally burned out on customer care right now.

So, I am back. And, once again, I sit at my computer and cannot believe there isn't a way to make money online. That's my next 'pie in the sky'. I just hope I find it. I love to do research and I am very organized. I do not have a home phone so I will not be getting back into CS right now. And, of course, I do love to write so if anyone has a lead please, drop me a link in the comments. It would be well appreciated.

I do feel good about being able to get back to my blogs. Besides this one I also have Indigo Rainbow 101 and My Fight with Fibromyalgia - both of those on Blogger, too.

Indigo Rainbow 101 is about the paranormal and mysteries of the universe and right here on Earth. And My Fight with Fibromyalgia is self explanatory. I have been having trouble with that for many years now and I am still walking but the days do get very long. Another reason why I was ready for a break from the 9 to 5.

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