Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well! I am so sorry... but, boy, did I make a mistake. I was babbling on about a cool, mild summer in my last post and I was way off. This summer is extremely hot and too dry. So, please excuse whatever drivel I was going on about in my last post. I am in Ohio and we have had close to 100 degrees for 2 months straight. That is not like Ohio at all. Sure, we get around 100 for maybe 2 days and that's that but this year... 2 months straight. Just amazing. Very strange. I have even gone as far as saying maybe the military screwed up the weather. But I sure cannot prove it. Now, this week it has been in the high 70's. Pretty nice really. So, I am not even going to try to predict the winter. All I can say is I hope it's a good one with lots and lots of snow! Yes, yes, yes. And I guess time will tell.

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