Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here I Go Again...

Hello. Let's just pretend a whole year has not gone by- Jeez- If I really want to take this blog thing seriously I guess I will have to write more often than once a year! HA! HA! I am sorry though...

Well, it was rough at the beginning of the year - out of work and only working part time jobs BUT I finally found the building where my good old job moved to and I am happy - even though they piss me off regularly. I guess that's why it is called a job. At least I'm able to make enough money to feed myself and pay my rent- Oh, and get my meds. Thank the Gods for that.

And so, if I'm so flippin' happy, why aren't I writing more? It is true that adversary makes great writers but all I ever wanted was to feel good enough to be able to write... well, I'm just going to have to get busy because I am not as young as I used to be. And I am literally running out of time.

My plan was to practice with the personal stuff and eventually begin writing articles and see if I couldn't get a second income rolling in - HA! - as you can tell it has been delayed. Now, I haven't been completely oblivious to the time going by. I have done quite a bit of reading on blogging and journals and monetizing a blog, or even starting a website. I'm not ready for the website - but soon. For now I need to get back to writing every day again.

You see, the company I work for is a brand new company- and I saw what happened to the last one- so I figure I've got about 3 years and then I'll probably have to look for another job. I don't want to go through that again- really- I am too old for that. Especially since I know it's going to happen. If I don't get myself set up nice and pretty... then it's my own damn fault.

So, that's about it for now and I swear I will be back before we change calendars again! Then maybe we can get down to business and I can figure out how to begin my own little business.

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