Monday, March 28, 2011


OK- this time it is not my fault- I was without Internet. As far as I can figure my modem died but AT&T didn't tell me anything. In fact, every time I need help from them, it is a nightmare- I am not kidding...It started off with the modem acting up. Then one day I had a red light where it was supposed to be green and other lights were missing. Okay. Call AT&T. Hello India... They set me up with a work order. I wait. And wait. And wait... Extremely pissed now. Call AT&T. Hello America. We trouble shoot. have a lovely time.I already happen to have a new modem from another nightmare I went through with this company.  We are best friends.But something is wrong. She will get this to internal offices or something and they will look at it in 15 minutes and I will get a call and they will tell me just what's happening and how to fix it. I wait. And wait. And wait....AGAIN- and it is Sunday and everything is closed. Now, remember, all this time I've had an open work order- although no one ever did tell me why he didn't make it to the assigned date he was supposed to come- no apology either- So, Monday morning. I call AT&T. There is no mention of a work order and the automated system is trouble shooting like this is the first time I have called. I am so ready to rip some one's damn head off- I really can barely contain myself. Finally I get to an agent- guess where? India. Here we go again- but we register the account and I am back online.

Well, Thank You, India! If you use AT&T- I hope they treat you well. All I know is every time I need their help it always turns into some kind of hell. But I am online and I am happy. Best of all - I am back to blogging!

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