Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Snow!

I know I keep promising to keep up to date on this blog - but I do have some good reasons why I cannot - First, I do work full time - also I have 2 other blogs I have started and - and they are a little slow getting started but I have some big plans for both of them.

Now, for the real news... there is no snow! Where is my snow? It has been a very long time since we had no snow by December, let alone Thanksgiving. It just keeps raining. Blaa. I do not like winter rain. Not one bit. The problem is is that it is too warm. All this rain would be piles of snow if it would just cool down. Now, just to be honest - it did snow one day last week. For only about 2 hours, it snowed just enough to cover the car. I was on my way to the store and I was smiling the whole time I cleaned the car off (which didn't take too long). But that was it - no snow since. Let it snow, let it snow...

The other day I went to the Dollar General Store  and I got a 12" tree. It was the last one they had and it is alight green aluminum color, also some tiny ornaments, some jingle bells, tiny bows and a string of white lights. Then, I saw a salt and pepper set of a Christmas tree and a snowman - I could not help myself  - I had to get that, too. When I got home we put everything together - and I have to say - it turned out a lot better than I thought it would - Really cute! I wanted to take a picture but the batteries in the camera are dead- maybe later.

So, that's about it so far - OH! - I had a bad virus screw up my laptop. So, I restored it back to factory and some things just aren't the same. I was SO upset when it happened. That has never happened to me before but I was using a different anti virus than I usually use . I has Avira on it but now I went back to AVG. Other than that, everything's okay now.

That's it for now. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that... I will write more later.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Guess What? It Snowed!

Okay - Okay - Yes, it snowed today. And I'm sure everyone remembers how I feel about the snow. I should have just named this blog "The Snow Day" blog because it seems like that is the only time I write in it - HA! HA!

I did get a warm, fuzzy feeling seeing those big flakes falling all around me but I was driving. I couldn't just stop and spin and laugh in the middle of those snow flakes... and when I got home... it had stopped - Damn. But I think we will have another soon. I'll be ready next time!

Back to reality - and I realize why I get so engrossed in something like snow flakes. My job has been a pressure cooker lately. They have added sales to my Internet tech job. I am not a salesman. I cannot talk someone into something they do not want. So, sure - add that to my job duties. Oh brother.

Speaking of brothers... my boyfriend's brother, J, has really done it this time. He has R so mad at him that he has decided that J will not be here next month. Fine by me. J seems to think that I HAVE to have his rent money to survive. He told R we can't make it if J moves out. I'm not sure where he got this idea but I don't know where he gets any of his ideas. The sonovabitch wiped his shitty ass with a sock and threw it on the floor by the toilet. I found it. (Why it had to be me I will never know) That was it for me. Good-Bye.

So, I'm off to work now. Be back tonight. Let's see if I can write something before next year's first snow! Later...

Monday, March 28, 2011


OK- this time it is not my fault- I was without Internet. As far as I can figure my modem died but AT&T didn't tell me anything. In fact, every time I need help from them, it is a nightmare- I am not kidding...It started off with the modem acting up. Then one day I had a red light where it was supposed to be green and other lights were missing. Okay. Call AT&T. Hello India... They set me up with a work order. I wait. And wait. And wait... Extremely pissed now. Call AT&T. Hello America. We trouble shoot. have a lovely time.I already happen to have a new modem from another nightmare I went through with this company.  We are best friends.But something is wrong. She will get this to internal offices or something and they will look at it in 15 minutes and I will get a call and they will tell me just what's happening and how to fix it. I wait. And wait. And wait....AGAIN- and it is Sunday and everything is closed. Now, remember, all this time I've had an open work order- although no one ever did tell me why he didn't make it to the assigned date he was supposed to come- no apology either- So, Monday morning. I call AT&T. There is no mention of a work order and the automated system is trouble shooting like this is the first time I have called. I am so ready to rip some one's damn head off- I really can barely contain myself. Finally I get to an agent- guess where? India. Here we go again- but we register the account and I am back online.

Well, Thank You, India! If you use AT&T- I hope they treat you well. All I know is every time I need their help it always turns into some kind of hell. But I am online and I am happy. Best of all - I am back to blogging!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here I Go Again...

Hello. Let's just pretend a whole year has not gone by- Jeez- If I really want to take this blog thing seriously I guess I will have to write more often than once a year! HA! HA! I am sorry though...

Well, it was rough at the beginning of the year - out of work and only working part time jobs BUT I finally found the building where my good old job moved to and I am happy - even though they piss me off regularly. I guess that's why it is called a job. At least I'm able to make enough money to feed myself and pay my rent- Oh, and get my meds. Thank the Gods for that.

And so, if I'm so flippin' happy, why aren't I writing more? It is true that adversary makes great writers but all I ever wanted was to feel good enough to be able to write... well, I'm just going to have to get busy because I am not as young as I used to be. And I am literally running out of time.

My plan was to practice with the personal stuff and eventually begin writing articles and see if I couldn't get a second income rolling in - HA! - as you can tell it has been delayed. Now, I haven't been completely oblivious to the time going by. I have done quite a bit of reading on blogging and journals and monetizing a blog, or even starting a website. I'm not ready for the website - but soon. For now I need to get back to writing every day again.

You see, the company I work for is a brand new company- and I saw what happened to the last one- so I figure I've got about 3 years and then I'll probably have to look for another job. I don't want to go through that again- really- I am too old for that. Especially since I know it's going to happen. If I don't get myself set up nice and pretty... then it's my own damn fault.

So, that's about it for now and I swear I will be back before we change calendars again! Then maybe we can get down to business and I can figure out how to begin my own little business.