Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well! I am so sorry... but, boy, did I make a mistake. I was babbling on about a cool, mild summer in my last post and I was way off. This summer is extremely hot and too dry. So, please excuse whatever drivel I was going on about in my last post. I am in Ohio and we have had close to 100 degrees for 2 months straight. That is not like Ohio at all. Sure, we get around 100 for maybe 2 days and that's that but this year... 2 months straight. Just amazing. Very strange. I have even gone as far as saying maybe the military screwed up the weather. But I sure cannot prove it. Now, this week it has been in the high 70's. Pretty nice really. So, I am not even going to try to predict the winter. All I can say is I hope it's a good one with lots and lots of snow! Yes, yes, yes. And I guess time will tell.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So, here we are - a new year  - again. We finally got some snow, it lasted about 3 days but today it is warm and raining. I am not fond of the rain. It would be one thing if it were spring but we aren't there yet. It's the middle of February and we should have snow ... or at least a good ice storm.

I remember a summer about 10 years ago and actually it never was summer that year. It just never warmed up. And, if I remember correctly, the winter before that was never really a winter. Rainy and spring-like weather. If it snowed it didn't last a day. I did quite a bit of gardening then and the flowers were confused - trying to come up and buds showing when they should have been sleeping. But that mild winter caused an even milder summer. I keep trying to tell my friends at work that if it doesn't snow now - when it should - then it will snow in June. OK - that might be an exaggeration but it's close. We could end up with a swimless, shorts-less, hot tea summer instead of fun in the sun summer.

I also heard someone talking about El Nino and La Nina - or whatever - and the feminine one is the one that causes the super mild seasons. So, that's probably it. I'll buy it. Just please, PEASE, do not start talking to me about global warming and all the evils of mankind. Oh, I agree mankind is evil but we are not causing the world's demise - in fact, this earth has gone through this sort of thing before several times - even when there were no people on the planet. Mother Nature will do what she likes and she will not ask any person permission of what to do. We may be pretty high up on the food chain but man is not going to sway nature, space or the source of everything. In fact, if we truly were a threat to Earth - well, it would just heave us off and that would be that.

I guess I'm trying to say that we are in for a mild summer after our mild winter - and in a couple years the people of Ohio will be complaining of too much snow and ice. I guess I should just enjoy the break while I can... I just miss the snow.