Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Storm!

It started yesterday. I had fallen asleep for a while after I got home from work. I just woke up and...It is beautiful. I'm not sure how many inches we've gotten but it is a Winter Wonderland. I thought about getting dressed and stepping outside to get the full affect but I'm not ready for all that yet. But it is wonderful.

There was a warning and it looks like people followed instructions because the snow is pristine. And it is early in the morning. I look outside and there are no tracks anywhere - even my little scruffy dog hasn't gone out yet. Even on the road there hasn't been much traffic and when it's like this I love the snow the most.

Growing up in the snow belt I'd say there is probably 6-8 inches. The forecast says there could be another 6 inches by noon. Fantastic! I don't know if I'll be able to (between the fibromyalgia and arthritis) but I'm going to try to get dressed and take my little dog out - to just get out in it - It would be great!

Well, I'm going to get  a cup of coffee and work on my plan. But even if I don't get all the way out, I'm going to enjoy my lovely Winter Wonderland.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

All the Empty Homes

I was sitting here deciding what I could write about and a big excavating shovel began to tear a house down across the street - It struck me as very sad - I almost started to cry. I've been here over 2 years and have even tried to find the owner of that house to see if I could afford it... I can forget that now.

I go around this city and never in my life seen so many empty houses- houses for sale and houses for rent. I keep trying to bring it to my friends' attentions that this is not normal. And that makes me sad, too. It shows how much trouble this city is in and I know it's the same everywhere according to the news. What can we do? Tear them all down? Very sad.

I'm going to take a little break. I'll probably write more later...