Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

When I started this blog- I was going to write every single day- and be able to get all the junk in my head out and into words- and be a happy, healthy person... Well, that was quite a while ago but I'm back.

Frankly- I don't feel like writing about crap in my head- I wish I could say something uplifting and motivational but I don't think that's going to happen this morning either. Well, Here goes...

about a month and a half ago they pulled us all together at work and told us we would have a big lay off Sept. 1- gave each of us a letter with each of our names on it- Pretty messed up. Then 2 weeks ago I get an email saying they need 400 people and we have 401. Hmmm. And yet, every day when I go downstairs to go to break, there are people sitting in the lobby, some are taking their typing tests, clearly applying for work. Just once I'd like to start yelling, "What are you doing here? Don't you know they will be laying off workers?"

Now, I would never do that- but I don't realize why they are still hiring. It's just crap.

Sorry, but that's what has been on my mind. I will write more later and it should be more entertaining- bye for now.

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