Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Snow!

I know I keep promising to keep up to date on this blog - but I do have some good reasons why I cannot - First, I do work full time - also I have 2 other blogs I have started and - and they are a little slow getting started but I have some big plans for both of them.

Now, for the real news... there is no snow! Where is my snow? It has been a very long time since we had no snow by December, let alone Thanksgiving. It just keeps raining. Blaa. I do not like winter rain. Not one bit. The problem is is that it is too warm. All this rain would be piles of snow if it would just cool down. Now, just to be honest - it did snow one day last week. For only about 2 hours, it snowed just enough to cover the car. I was on my way to the store and I was smiling the whole time I cleaned the car off (which didn't take too long). But that was it - no snow since. Let it snow, let it snow...

The other day I went to the Dollar General Store  and I got a 12" tree. It was the last one they had and it is alight green aluminum color, also some tiny ornaments, some jingle bells, tiny bows and a string of white lights. Then, I saw a salt and pepper set of a Christmas tree and a snowman - I could not help myself  - I had to get that, too. When I got home we put everything together - and I have to say - it turned out a lot better than I thought it would - Really cute! I wanted to take a picture but the batteries in the camera are dead- maybe later.

So, that's about it so far - OH! - I had a bad virus screw up my laptop. So, I restored it back to factory and some things just aren't the same. I was SO upset when it happened. That has never happened to me before but I was using a different anti virus than I usually use . I has Avira on it but now I went back to AVG. Other than that, everything's okay now.

That's it for now. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that... I will write more later.