Friday, November 11, 2011

Guess What? It Snowed!

Okay - Okay - Yes, it snowed today. And I'm sure everyone remembers how I feel about the snow. I should have just named this blog "The Snow Day" blog because it seems like that is the only time I write in it - HA! HA!

I did get a warm, fuzzy feeling seeing those big flakes falling all around me but I was driving. I couldn't just stop and spin and laugh in the middle of those snow flakes... and when I got home... it had stopped - Damn. But I think we will have another soon. I'll be ready next time!

Back to reality - and I realize why I get so engrossed in something like snow flakes. My job has been a pressure cooker lately. They have added sales to my Internet tech job. I am not a salesman. I cannot talk someone into something they do not want. So, sure - add that to my job duties. Oh brother.

Speaking of brothers... my boyfriend's brother, J, has really done it this time. He has R so mad at him that he has decided that J will not be here next month. Fine by me. J seems to think that I HAVE to have his rent money to survive. He told R we can't make it if J moves out. I'm not sure where he got this idea but I don't know where he gets any of his ideas. The sonovabitch wiped his shitty ass with a sock and threw it on the floor by the toilet. I found it. (Why it had to be me I will never know) That was it for me. Good-Bye.

So, I'm off to work now. Be back tonight. Let's see if I can write something before next year's first snow! Later...