Monday, November 9, 2009

First Snow

It snowed the other day. I went out on my porch and held my hand out and saw a few shiny, little flakes land. For that moment- I was happy. Just like a little kid- happy. Watching the tiny crystals melting- happy.

That feeling of happiness stayed with me half the day. I went to work and said "Hello." and "Good morning!" to everyone I saw. And by the time I left work, it was gone.

In my last post, I said we were told there was going to be a big lay off at work... well, I survived that. But now, we had another meeting and we were told the company will close it's doors on December 31, 2009.

Here I go again. All those things that well up and make you believe that you will not survive. You are going down. How could they do this to you? They will just leave you to die.

As well as I know the sun rises and sets, I know I'm not going to die... from this anyway. It just irks me to no end. I just put my year in and I was going to take a real vacation- I've never had one. Damn! I was going to apply for the next step up and get a $1.00 raise. Damn! I was going to be the best little worker in Akron, Ohio. Damn!

Okay, I do have plan and I have a month and a half to get it going. And, one day, as I was leaving, I like to say something decent to the security officer and I noticed a large jar on the front desk full of candy.

I wanted a piece of candy- all of a sudden. But as I reached for the jar, the security officer handed me a small piece of paper and explained that we were to guess the amount of candy in the jar and we would win the whole thing. (Whoopee!) I made a dry comment, as I often do, and this security officer (Whom I'd never seen before) told me about where she works and all the benefits and how easy the job is. Then, she gives me her newsletter because it had all the phone numbers on it and other information I could use. I took all the information. I nodded my head and thanked her a couple of times. As I went out the door and into the parking lot- I felt good- I was happy.

I haven't seen that security guard since. Maybe she is an angel and she set up shop at my company so that I could run into her and she could give me this great tip. Maybe. You know, it is a nice thought.

So, am I going to put an application in for this security job? You betcha. And Ill keep you posted. Have a good day, now. Later...